From Paper To Text Content: How OCR Can Help You Repurpose Existing Materials


Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology is revolutionizing the way we digitize and repurpose physical documents. It converts scanned images and PDFs into machine-readable text, allowing organizations to unlock valuable information that was previously trapped in paper-based files. With OCR, it becomes easier to extract data, categorize information, and even make use of natural language processing (NLP) techniques for further analysis. By automating this process, OCR helps you save time and effort, and enables you to get the most out of your existing materials.

How Is OCR Helpful For Repurposing Paper/Physical Documents?

OCR technology is helpful for repurposing scanned or physical documents in several ways:

Data extraction: OCR accurately converts scanned images and PDFs into editable text, making it possible to extract data from physical documents and store it in a digital format.

Document search and retrieval: OCR-processed documents are searchable, making it easier to locate specific information within large collections of scanned materials.

Text analysis: OCR output can be processed using NLP techniques, making it possible to analyze the content of physical documents in new ways.

Document preservation: By converting physical documents into digital format, OCR helps to preserve valuable information and make it accessible for future use.

Time and cost savings: OCR automates the process of digitizing physical documents, saving time and reducing the cost associated with manual data entry.

These benefits make OCR a valuable tool for organizations looking to unlock the potential of their scanned and physical document collections.


In conclusion, OCR technology offers a powerful solution for organizations looking to repurpose their existing scanned and physical documents. With OCR, it’s possible to unlock valuable information that was previously trapped in paper-based files and convert it into a machine-readable format. This allows organizations to extract data, improve document search and retrieval, and even perform text analysis using NLP techniques.

By automating the process of digitizing physical documents, OCR saves time and reduces costs, and helps preserve valuable information for future use. As such, it’s a valuable tool for organizations looking to maximize the value of their existing materials.


1. What are the benefits of using OCR for paper to text conversion?

Using OCR for paper to text conversion offers several benefits, including improved data extraction, better document search and retrieval, the ability to perform text analysis using NLP techniques, preservation of valuable information, and time and cost savings.

2. Is OCR technology accurate and reliable for paper document to text conversion?

OCR technology has come a long way in recent years and modern OCR software is generally accurate and reliable for paper document to text conversion.

From Paper To Digital: How OCR Can Help You Digitize Your Text Documents

document-digitization-with OCR

The advancement of technology has led to a significant shift towards digitization, and the process of converting physical documents into digital format is becoming increasingly important. One such technology that can help in this process is Optical Character Recognition (OCR). OCR technology can scan and convert physical documents into editable and searchable digital format, making it easier to store, access and share information. In this article, we will explore how OCR technology can help you digitize your physical documents, making your business more efficient and organized.

Advantages of Digitizing Text Documents

There are several advantages of digitizing documents, including:

Increased efficiency: Digitizing documents makes it easier to find, access, and share information, reducing the time and effort required to search for physical documents.

Improved organization: Digital documents can be easily organized, tagged, and searched, making it easier to keep track of important information.

Enhanced security: Digital documents can be secured with passwords and encryption, helping to prevent unauthorized access and protect sensitive information.

Reduced paper usage: Digitizing documents helps to reduce the amount of paper used, which is beneficial for the environment and helps to save space.

Enhanced collaboration: Digital documents can be easily shared and collaborated on with team members, helping to streamline teamwork and increase productivity.

Increased accessibility: Digital documents can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making it easier for remote workers to access important information.

Better preservation: Digital documents can be backed up and stored, helping to preserve important information for the future.

Use Cases of Digitizing Documents With OCR

The OCR technology offers several practical applications for digitizing physical documents, including:

  • Streamlining financial management by digitizing invoices and receipts
  • Managing professional contacts with digitized business cards
  • Efficient storage and tracking of legal documents like contracts and agreements
  • Improved management of patient information in the healthcare sector
  • Digitizing books and publications for easier access and research purposes
  • Preserving historical information through digitizing historical archives
  • Streamlining marketing and sales efforts through digitized customer data


1. What is OCR technology and how does it work?

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is a technology that uses artificial intelligence algorithms to recognize text within an image and convert it into machine-readable format. It scans physical documents and extracts text, preserving the original layout and formatting.

2. What types of physical documents can OCR digitize?

OCR technology can digitize a wide range of physical documents, including invoices, receipts, business cards, contracts, agreements, medical records, books, publications, historical archives, and customer data.

3. How does OCR help in digitizing physical documents?

OCR makes digitizing physical documents easier and more efficient by automatically extracting text from the document, preserving formatting and layout, and providing quick and accurate digitization. This results in improved storage, access, and analysis of important information.

Extracting Text From Online Images Is Made Simple With OCR Editor


OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is a technology that enables the extraction of text from an image, scanned document, or PDF. This technology is used to convert the image of typed, handwritten, or printed text into machine-readable text data, making it easier to edit, search, and analyse the content. “OCR Editor” is one of the most trusted extensions for extracting text from online images, and it can be used in various fields such as document management, digital archiving, and education.

How To Extract Text From Online Images? 

Extracting texts from a single online image that has few words can easily be done by manual transcription, but if the same image has a lot of words and numbers or if there are a lot of images from which you need to extract the text, OCR tools come into play.

OCR Editor:

With OCR Editor, extracting text from online jpg and png images is as simple as a few clicks. To extract text from an online image, follow the following steps:

  • Install the extension (Text can also be extracted by uploading an image to the OCR Editor home page )
  • Click the extension icon to enable it
  • Select the desired text that you want to extract from the image
  • Copy the extracted text or download it as a PDF or txt file

Manual Transcription:

Manual transcription involves a person manually transcribing text from an image to another medium, and it is often a slow process. If an image’s quality is poor, OCR technology may not be able to recognize the text, leaving manual transcription as the only option.

Advantages Extracting Text From Images

Here are some of the key advantages of text extraction from images:

Ease of Data Collection: Text extraction from images allows for the quick and easy collection of large amounts of data.

Data Accuracy: OCR technology can accurately recognize text even in poor quality images.

Automation: The process of text extraction is automated, reducing the chances of human error.

Compatibility: Text can be extracted from various image formats, making it a versatile solution.

Searchable Data: Extracting text from images makes the data searchable and indexable, making it easier to find specific information.


1. How can I extract text from an online image?

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software can be used to extract text from images. Online OCR tools such as Adobe Acrobat, Free “OCR Editor” are available for this purpose.

2. Is it possible to extract text from a screenshot or an image taken with a camera?

Yes, OCR Editor can be used to extract text from screenshots and images taken with a camera, provided the text is clear and legible in the image.

3. Can I extract text in a specific language or multiple languages from an image?

Yes, most OCR software supports recognition of multiple languages including English, Spanish, French, German, and many others. OCR Editor extension enables you to translate the extracted text from the image.

Translating A Printed Book with OCR: Complete Guide


Translating a printed book can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to preserving the original formatting and layout. But with the advent of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, this process has become a lot more streamlined. OCR software can scan a printed book and convert the text into a digital format, which can then be easily translated into any language. This not only makes the translation process faster and more efficient, but it also allows for the preservation of the book’s original design and layout.

How To Translate A Printed Book with OCR? 

With the advancements in OCR technology, it is now simple to take a printed book and transform it into various languages using OCR-based translation. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Obtain an optical character recognition (OCR) software that is compatible with your computer.
  2. Use a scanner or camera to digitize the pages of the printed book.
  3. Open the scanned pages in the OCR software and select the language of the book.
  4. Allow the software to process the scanned pages and convert the text into editable digital text.
  5. Use the built-in translation feature or export the text to a translation software or website to translate the text to your desired language.
  6. Review and edit the translated text for accuracy and readability.
  7. Save the translated text in a desired format, such as a Word document or PDF.
  8. If desired, you can use a tool or software to format the translated text to match the original book layout.

How Can Translating Printed Books Be helpful?

Here are some points that explain how translating printed books can be helpful:

  1. Expand readership: Translating printed books allows them to reach a wider audience, including readers who do not speak the original language. This can help increase sales and exposure for the author and publisher.
  2. Improve accessibility: Translating printed books can make them more accessible to readers with visual impairments, language barriers, or other disabilities.
  3. Facilitate cultural exchange: Translating printed books can help bridge cultural gaps and promote understanding between different cultures.
  4. Enhance education: Translating printed books can make educational materials more accessible to students and teachers in multilingual classrooms.
  5. Preserve literature: Translating printed books can help preserve literature and cultural heritage that might otherwise be lost to time.
  6. Increase knowledge: Translating printed books can allow readers to access information and knowledge that would otherwise be unavailable to them.
  7. Expand research opportunities: Translating printed books can help researchers access primary source materials in languages they do not speak, expanding the scope of their studies.
  8. Provide new perspectives: Translating printed books can allow readers to gain new perspectives and insights by reading literature from other cultures and in other languages.


1. How accurate is the OCR process in translating printed books?

The accuracy of the OCR process can vary depending on the quality of the scanned image, the resolution of the scanner or camera used, and the OCR software. It is important to review and edit the translated text for accuracy and readability.

2. Is it necessary to hire a professional translator for translating printed books?

While it is not strictly necessary to hire a professional translator, it can be helpful to ensure that the translation is accurate and idiomatic. Professional translators have the necessary training and experience to translate literary texts, understand the cultural context and provide an idiomatic translation.

3. Can translated printed books be copyrighted?

Translated printed books can be copyrighted in the same way as the original text. The translator is considered the author of the translation and therefore holds the copyright to the translated text. However, it is important to obtain permission from the original copyright holder before translating and publishing a book.

Increase Data Entry Efficiency With Optical Character Recognition (OCR)


Optical character recognition (OCR) is a technology that allows for the conversion of scanned documents, PDFs, and images of text into editable and searchable digital text. This technology can be extremely helpful for data entry by eliminating the need for manual typing and reducing the possibility of errors. OCR software can quickly and accurately extract information from a variety of sources, making it a valuable tool for businesses, government agencies, and individuals.

OCR for Data Entry Work: What Are The Use Cases?

There are several use cases for OCR technology in data entry work:

Invoice Processing

It takes a lot of time to manually enter the intricate amount of data that is processed for Invoice Processing. In this situation, an OCR tool comes in very handy. With the tool, data is automatically recognized and converted to be easily searchable.

Business Card Scanning   

In a situation where you have to extract information from business cards and input it into a contact management system, OCR Software can make a huge difference. It can complete the said request within minutes if not mere seconds.

Forms Processing 

OCR technology can be used to automate form processing by scanning and extracting information from various types of forms, making the process more efficient and accurate, and reducing the need for manual data entry. This can also validate data and understand the structure of the form, making the process more accurate and efficient.

ID Card and Passport Scanning 

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology is used to scan and digitize text on ID cards and passports. The scanned image is then processed through OCR software, which can accurately recognize and extract the text information, such as name, date of birth, and identification number. This information can then be stored in a digital format and used for various purposes, such as identity verification, background checks, and immigration control. Additionally, OCR can be used to check the authenticity of ID cards and passports by comparing the scanned information with a database of valid documents.

Data Entry for e-commerce 

OCR is useful for automatic data entry in e-commerce by scanning and extracting information from various types of documents, such as invoices, receipts, and purchase orders. The scanned document is processed through OCR software, which can accurately recognize and extract the relevant information, such as product names, prices, and quantities. This information can then be automatically transferred to the e-commerce system and used for various purposes, such as inventory management, financial accounting, and customer tracking.

Data Entry for Logistics

OCR technology can be used for automatic data entry in logistics by scanning and extracting information from various types of documents, such as shipping labels, bills of lading, and packing slips. The scanned document is processed through OCR software, which can accurately recognize and extract the relevant information, such as the sender and recipient’s address, the package weight and dimension, and the shipping method.

This information can then be automatically transferred to the logistics system and used for various purposes, such as tracking the package’s location, estimating the delivery time, and generating invoices and shipping manifests.

Advantages Of Using OCR For Data Entry 

After learning some of the use case scenarios of using OCR for Data Entry, let us look at the advantages of investing in an OCR tool. 

Increased efficiency

With an OCR tool by your side, you will experience the side effect of having increased efficiency! OCR software is designed for heavy uses with increasing efficiency as the goal while reducing time consumption and wastage. 

Reduced Error Rates

Since OCR software doesn’t require rest or get tired unlike humans, the rate of errors is at a minimum value. With optimization and continuous testing, OCR tools are made to be highly accurate and precise with their transcribing of written and printed notes to machine-encoded text.

Increased Productivity

Expect your productivity to increase with OCR Software by your side. They are specifically designed for transcribing physical written or printed pages to machine-encoded text for long periods without the need for time outs. 

Cost saving

You can cut costs by having an OCR tool. You don’t have to hire a team specializing in Data Entry thus saving a lot of money.  Many OCR Tools have a subscription-based payment system that is often affordable.


1. Which is the best OCR tool for basic data entry work?

You can use OCR Editor for basic Data Entry Work.

2. Why should I use OCR for data entry work?

Using OCR for data entry improves efficiency, accuracy and saves time.

Converting Handwriting Into Text Document Is Now A Simple Task


Have you ever received handwritten notes only to struggle to understand the handwriting? Or lend your written notes to a friend, only for them to return them saying your handwriting was illegible? In the modern world, where time is a luxury one cannot afford, you don’t have time to worry that you might not have legible handwriting. That’s because, with OCR Editor, you no longer have to worry about whether or not your handwriting is legible because it lets you convert handwriting to text accurately and quickly.

How To Convert Handwritten Notes To Text?

OCR Editor makes it easier to convert handwritten notes to text via the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) tool. It supports a variety of languages and allows you to save the converted text directly into.txt or.pdf formats for easy sharing. Here’s how to use OCR Editor to convert handwritten notes to text in a few simple steps.

  1. Install the OCR Editor extension.
  2. Upload or drag and drop the image containing the handwritten text
  3. Now, you can easily modify, copy and share the text effortlessly.

Alternatively, you can use the OCR Editor web page to do the same. Here’s how.

  1. Go to ‘’.
  2. Upload, drag and drop or paste an URL of the scanned image of the handwritten text.
  3. And now your handwritten text is converted and is ready to be edited, copied, and shared.

Advantages of Converting Handwriting Into Text

Here are some advantages of converting handwritten notes to text using OCR Editor:

Easier Editing

Converting handwritten notes to text format can prove to be a very flexible option for your personal or professional use. The text-formatted notes can be easily edited, removing errors and making corrections. It can be sent to another person who may have a better idea and be able to make changes to the text if needed.

Greater Accessibility 

Once the written notes are converted to text, with the internet becoming a medium for sharing, the text-formatted notes will have greater reachability. With billions of active internet users, there’s no other better medium for sharing. As a text, the handwritten notes can easily be shared, searched for, and located, resulting in overall greater accessibility.

Improved Readability 

One of the most common issues with handwritten notes is readability. People have different handwriting styles, and some are easily readable to others while others are not. The emphasis on legible handwriting can be found all around the globe. That is why, with digital text, you don’t have to worry about legibility. You can manipulate the font and font size and make it bold for more emphasis, making it more easily readable by everyone.


1. Which is the best tool to convert handwritten notes to text?

The best way to convert scanned handwriting to text is by using the “OCR Editor” tool. It is simple to use, available as a chrome extension as well as a website and your documents are automatically deleted after text detection.

2. Can I Convert Hindi handwriting to digital text? 

Yes. You can convert Hindi written text to digital text using the OCR Editor tool, moreover there are a lot of language options that the tool can recognize and convert to text easily.

Copy Text From PDF | Easy & Quick Way of Text Extraction


When there are PDFs with valuable information to help you out with your projects and research, you may want to copy the text present in them. You will not be able to do it from a copy-protected PDF file. To help you out in these situations, the OCR Editor comes in handy.

How To Copy Text From a Copy Protected Secured PDF File?

OCR Editor is a useful tool for copying text from a secured PDF file without any problem. Having OCR Editor, you don’t have to waste time looking for password removers to enable the file to edit. Here is how you can use this extension:

  • Upload the PDF file
  • Once text extraction is completed, download the text file in .txt format

Key Features OCR Editor: PDF To Text Extractor

  • 100% accurate PDF to text conversion
  • Quick
  • Free to use
  • User friendly interface

Other Methods To Copying Text From PDF File

When it comes to copying the text from a secured PDF file, there are different methods apart from OCR editors that you can give a try. But these methods are generally not known for their efficiency. 

Google Chrome

Simply drag the secured PDF file to chrome to open it. Now clicking on the “Print” icon on the top-right corner of the chrome browser will allow you to save the file. Clicking on the “Save” button will save your file as a new PDF file. This gives you the access to open the file and copy the data without any complications. This method does not work if the PDF has print restriction. 

Google Drive

Upload the secured PDF file to your Google Drive. Now by right clicking on the file, click on open with Google Docs. This platform enables you to edit the data, also allowing you to copy them. There are possibilities of facing format and font issues with this method.

Copy Text From YouTube Video With OCR Editor


YouTube is the most trusted hub of free videos. With all of the informative and educational videos available on YouTube, it has become a popular destination for students to learn effectively. You can find many informative and useful video lectures, problem-solving videos, and demonstrations on YouTube. But, when you want to take notes of your lectures or copy the text from the video for future reference, it becomes a difficult process, as you have to write everything down on your notes manually. This takes up your valuable time and energy. You can save up on this easily and get your work done in no time with the OCR Editor.

Steps To Use OCR Editor For Copying the Text From YouTube Videos?

The OCR Editor is a useful tool that allows you to copy the written text on your screen without complications. Using this tool, you can easily copy text from YouTube videos. This extension comes in handy for students to make notes of anything they watch on YouTube. The OCR Editor is really simple to use. Here are some simple steps to using it:

  • Install the OCR Editor extension
  • Open and Play any YouTube video
  • Pause the video and capture the text by enabling the “OCR Editor”
  • Edit the text effortlessly and copy-paste it easily

How Is The Copying Text From the Video Helpful?

Copying text from a video can be helpful in a variety of ways, such as:

  1. Translation: The copied text can be translated into different languages, making the video more accessible to a global audience.
  2. Study and research: Extracted text from a YouTube video can be used for studying and research, by highlighting important information, making notes and references.
  3. Content creation: The text can be used to create new content such as summaries, reviews, or blog posts.
  4. Social media: The text can be used to create captions for social media posts, or to transcribe audio for a podcast or webinar.
  5. Search Engine Optimization: The text can be used to improve the visibility of the video on search engines by optimizing the title, description, and tags.

Key Takeaways: 

OCR Editor Functionality: An extension simplifying text extraction from YouTube videos, particularly beneficial for note-taking, language translation, and content creation. 

Easy Steps to Use: Install OCR Editor, play a YouTube video, pause, and enable the extension to capture and edit text seamlessly. 

Diverse User Base: Tailored for coders, students, content writers, and teachers, enhancing efficiency in coding, note creation, content copying, and lecture preparation. 

Who Can Use Copied Text From YouTube Videos?

Here are some use cases for copying text from a video with OCR Editor:

Coders or web developers

When you reach out to YouTube videos or any video reference to solve your coding problems, you can understand them perfectly with practical teaching. But in certain cases, when you don’t have time, you can use the OCR Editor to copy the codes directly from the videos to solve your problems. This is great when you have to copy long codes from the screen.


Copying texts from videos can be useful to students to help them create notes from YouTube videos. It also helps them complete their assignments in no time. Teachers are the ones who always tell students to work smarter. OCR Editor is a very smart tool for students to copy texts from videos effortlessly.

Content Writers

OCR Editor is a perfect tool for content writers as well because it makes copying and saving their work easy. This tool is also useful for copying from copy-protected websites. Content writers can also copy any content from videos and save the text for future reference.


On a daily basis, teachers read and research various contents, blogs, and articles in order to prepare the best lectures or notes for students. Using this tool, teachers can copy text from copy-protected websites and YouTube videos to make their notes clean and clear.

Why Copying Text from a Video Can Be Helpful?

Copying text from a video can be helpful in several ways:

  1. Content creation: The text can be used to create new content, such as summaries, reviews, or blog posts about the video.
  2. Language learning: The text can be used to learn a new language by reading along with the video, making it an interactive way to learn.
  3. E-Learning: The text can be used to create educational content, quizzes, and assignments for e-learning platforms.
  4. Research: The text can be used for research purposes, such as analyzing the content of the video, identifying trends, or studying audience engagement.
  5. Summarize: The text can be used to summarize the video for a quick understanding of the key points covered in the video.

Featured Snippet: 

Q: How can OCR Editor help in copying text from YouTube videos?

A: OCR Editor simplifies the process by allowing users to effortlessly capture and edit text from YouTube videos, catering to a diverse audience including coders, students, content writers, and teachers.


1. How do I copy text from a YouTube Video?

Simply install the “OCR Editor” extension to easily copy text from all the video streaming platforms, including YouTube.

2. Is “OCR Editor” free to use for copying text from the videos?

Yes. It is completely free to use.

Jpg To Text Converter | Recognize Text With OCR


We often copy and paste the content on our computer, but copying the content can be a difficult step at times, especially when copying from images or scanned PDFs. A jpg-to-text converter is useful in this situation. This conversion tool enables you to quickly access the text.

How To Use Jpg To Text Converter?

The JPG to Text Converter converts any image content to editable text. The OCR Editor tool makes it simple to copy, edit, or download any image text. This tool is highly efficient because of its accuracy. These are the steps for using the jpg-to-text converter:

  • Upload jpg/jpeg image or paste the image url & click the enter
  • Copy or edit the extracted text or download it as a .pdf, .txt or .pdf file

Key Features Of Jpg-Img To Text Converter

The JPG to image converter tool comes in super handy for students, teachers, content writers, and developers to copy anything they want from the internet. Here are some key features of this amazing tool:

  • Easily detect any text on your screen.
  • Extract text from images, YouTube videos and any other platforms containing readable texts
  • Redetect option until you get the desired content.
  • Creates editable content after extracting the text
  • 100% accurate.
  • Easy user interface.
  • Simple to use.

Advantages of Jpg Image To Text Conversion

Converting an image to text has a number of significant benefits. Here are some of the advantages of using the jpeg-to-text converter:

  • The jpg-to-text converter boosts users’ productivity by quickly extracting text
  • It saves a lot of time by converting images into readable text
  • Users can quickly edit and update the resultant text with this amazing tool
  • After conversion, it becomes easy to search for specific text in documents

Which Technology Is Used to Convert Jpg Images Into Text?

The OCR technology converts images into text using optical character recognition (OCR). This technology is a quick and efficient way to extract text from printed or written texts that you see on your screen. OCR uses the most recent developments in pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, and computer vision. This incredible technology reduces the time and effort required to extract data from a jpg or jpeg image.

Free Online OCR Converter| Extract Text From Image Easily


Online OCR converters enable you to convert scanned documents and PDFs into editable and searchable text such as DOC, TXT, and PDF. It is the perfect tool with the latest technological advancements to detect any printed content from anywhere on your screen, copy it instantly, and paste it anywhere else you like.

How To Use Free Online OCR-Converter?

Online OCR converter is a simple but effective tool for making copying much easier. This tool is designed to find every piece of text on the image and lets you access it seamlessly. Here are some simple steps for using online OCR Editor.

  • Upload the image or paste image URL & hit enter
  • Download the extracted text in .pdf, .doc and .txt format
  • Users can also install OCR editor for quickly converting image into text

Why Is OCR Image To Text Converter So Useful?

We find OCR applications everywhere, from personal use to technological breakthroughs that can change our lives. Here are a few interesting uses and applications of online OCR (optical character recognition) converter.

Text Extraction In No Time

Online OCR can convert any image into editable text in a few seconds. It’s a great time saver for quickly extracting image text. 

Easy To Use

This OCR converter is very simple to use and can easily extract text out of any image by just uploading or pasting the image URL.

100% Accurate OCR Converter

OCR editor employs dependable image-to-text conversion technology to provide error-free text extraction.

Who Can Use Online OCR Converter For Extracting Text?

Use cases of an optical character recognition reader appear to be skyrocketing with its ability to make various tasks easier for people by allowing them to edit written and printed content flawlessly.


This tool comes of great use to students who want to copy text and make notes of the lectures they see on YouTube or any other platform. Also when they have to write assignments by copying the same e-document manually, this tool helps in extracting text from the soft copy easily, saving the extra burden. 


Instead of writing their codes manually, coders use the OCR Editor to copy long codes from the screen and use them for their work without any complications. This saves the coders a significant amount of time while also increasing their productivity.

Content writers 

Using this amazing tool, content writers can easily copy any piece of text from any eBook or any text from their screen and save it on their system for future references without breaking a sweat. 


1.What is an Online OCR Converter?

Online OCR converter tool is used to convert images to text. It can easily convert any document into editable text.

2. Is the Online OCR Editor image text extractor tool free to use?

Yes. OCR Editor is completely free to use.